Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Tim Geologi Masih Teliti Pemukiman Rawan Gempa (Still Geology Research Team Rawan Earthquake Settlements )

Padang, (ANTARA) - Sekitar enam orang ahli geologi masih meneliti pemukiman penduduk yang rawan tanah longsor di sejumlah daerah di Sumatera Barat (Sumbar), terutama yang terjadi bersamaan dengan bencana gempa 30 September 2009.

'Kini tim geologi masih meneliti pemukiman penduduk yang longsor saat dan sesudah terjadinya gempa 30 September 2009. Belum diperoleh hasil sementaranya,' kata Koordinator Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) Sumbar, Ade Edward di Padang, Minggu.

Ade menjelaskan, tim ahli geologi meneliti pemukiman penduduk yang berada di kawasan Gunung Tigo Tandikek dan beberapa titik di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman.

Kemudian di kawasan pemukiman penduduk di pinggiran danau Maninjau, di seputar Tanjung Sani Kecamatan Tanjung Raya dan kawasan Malalak Kabupaten Agam.

Tim sudah turun sejak 6 Oktober lalu dan diperkirakan berlangsung dua pekan melakukan survey kawasan pemukiman penduduk tersebut.

Jadi, katanya, tim geologi juga akan meneliti dimana lokasi relokasi warga yang berada pada daerah rawan longsor itu.

'Lokasi pemindahan pemukiman penduduk, bila tak layak lagi ditempat yang lama, tentu tim geologi. Selanjutnya pemerintah daerah setempat yang menindaklanjuti ke masyarakatnya,' katanya.

Bupati Agam Aristo Munandar, sebelumnya menyatakan ada rencana relokasi permukiman penduduknya yang parah terkena gempa dan tanah longsor, terutama empat Korong (dusun, red) di Kecamatan Tanjung Raya dan sejumlah perkampungan di Kecamatan Malalak.

'Kita sudah minta tim geologi untuk meneliti permukiman penduduk dan secara resmi suratnya telah sampaikan kepada gubernur Sumbar. Penelitian diutamakan permukiman yang terkena tanah longsor saat gempa pekan lalu,' kata Aristo.

Menurut dia, untuk merelokasi masyarakat setempat, tentu setelah adanya rekomendasi dari ahlinya, karena tak mungkin tanpa kajian terlebih dahulu. 'Upaya relokasi akan di musyawarahkan dengan warga setelah adanya hasil dari tim geologi,' katanya.

Tingginya potensi terjadi longsor pada bekas longsoran saar guncangan gempa Rabu (30/9) lalu itu, terkait bermuculan mata air yang mengalir melalui perkampungan masyarakat.

Aristo menambahkan, dari hasil tim geologi nanti apakah masih layak atau tidak untuk ditempati kembali. Jika tidak, tentu Pemkab akan mencarikan lahan permukiman penduduk untuk ditempati warga tersebut.

'Apakah nanti dalam satu hamparan yang dibeli ke masyarakat atau terpisah. Kita lihat hasil rekomendasi tim geologi dulu dan diharapkan secepatnya hasil peninjauan ke lapangan ke luar,' katanya.

Gempa Sumbar berkekuatan 7,9 SR yang terjadi pada 30 September 2009 pukul 17:15 WIB dan berpusat di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman itu menimbulkan 1.117 orang tewas, akibat tertimpa bangunan dan tertimbun tanah longsor.

Sementara itu, korban luka berat mencapai 1.114 orang, sekitar 80 persen bangunan perkantoran di Padang rusak berat.

Kemudian sebanyak 135 ribu unit lebih rumah penduduk rusak berat dan 90 ribu unit rusak sedang dan ringan tersebar pada sembilan kabupaten/kota. (


Padang, (AFP) - About six people are still researching geologist settlements vulnerable to landslides in some areas of West Sumatra (West Sumatra), mainly coincided with the earthquake disaster 30 September 2009.

'Now the team is still researching geology of landslides settlements during and after the 30 September 2009 earthquake. Has not obtained its interim results, "said Coordinator of the Association of Indonesian geologists (IAGI) West Sumatera, Ade Edward in Padang, Sunday.

Ade explained, the team geologist studying settlements in the area of Mount Tigo Tandikek and several points in Padang Pariaman.

Later in the area on the outskirts of settlements Maninjau lake, around the Cape Sani Tanjung Raya district and region Malalak Agam District.

The team has fallen since last October 6 and expected to last two weeks to survey the settlement area.

So, he said, the team also will examine the geology where the relocation site located in avalanche prone areas.

'Locations settlement movement, if no longer worthy of the old place, of the geological team. Furthermore the local government to the people who follow through, 'he said.

Agam Regent Aristo Munandar, previously claimed there were plans for the relocation of settlements affected population of the earthquake and landslides, especially the four surroundings (village, red) in the district of Tanjung Raya and a number of villages in the district Malalak.

'We've asked the team to investigate the geological and settlements have been formally conveyed his letter to the governor of West Sumatra. Research priority settlements affected by landslides during the earthquake last week, "said Aristo.

According to him, to relocate local people, of course after a recommendation from the expert, because it was impossible without the prior studies. 'Efforts will be musyawarahkan relocation with residents after the results of the geological team,' he said.

The high potential for landslides occurred in the former avalanche earthquake shocks saar Wednesday (30 / 9) and that, related bermuculan springs flowing through the village community.

Aristo added, the results of later geological team is still feasible or not to be occupied again. If not, of Regency will find the land occupied by settlements for these residents.

'Is it later in a stretch that bought into the community or separate. We see the recommendations first geological team and is expected to immediately review the results of the field out, 'he said.

West Sumatra Earthquake of 7.9 Richter scale occurred on September 30, 2009 at 17:15 pm and is based in Padang Pariaman caused a 1117 people were killed, due to hit the building and buried in landslides.

Meanwhile, victims of severe injuries to reach 1114 people, about 80 percent of office buildings in Padang were severely damaged.

Then as many as 135 thousand units more severely damaged houses and 90 thousand units were damaged and scattered light in the nine district / city. (


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